Experience Designer

Singer Website Redesign

Singer Website Redesign
UX/UI — Branding — Website Refresh

I own a Singer sewing machine and never once do I interact with any other touchpoint of the Singer brand beside’s the machine itself. There is a disconnect. Singer.com is not seen as the main source of knowledge about it’s own machine. My goal was to redesign Singer’s web presence in order to in order to create an opportunity to understand and create a dialogue with customers, to project a lifestyle, to innovate, and to elevate the prestige for the 160+ year old brand, with the intended audience consumers under the age of 40.

Full Singer Experience 

Research Summary
Since I'm the only person I know that owns a sewing machine (yes, really), I took my research online. I explored the Singer website exhaustively so I could understand its structure. Then I browsed forums and read multiple market research reports to gather data that I could then turn into actionable goals.
Insights + Data
  • 52% of DIYers are 24 to 44 years old
  • Leisuring sewing as a hobby is on the rise
  • The market for sewing machines is expected to reach 29MM unites by 2024
Competitive Analysis
  • Sewing Blogs
  • Brother Sewing Machines
  • Amazon
Analogous experiences
  • Buying a car
  • Buying the perfect pair of glasses
  • Buying a specific tool from the hardware store
I then did a quick heuristic evaluation if the site, focusing especially on what I identified as the biggest issues with the site, which was consistency, efficiency, site structure and hierarchy.
The structure of a site is based on the needs of its audience and goals and priorities. With Singer's website, both of these things were unclear. Heirarchy issues caused components to conflict, and the surfacing of redundant and/or irrelevant information caused rendered more important components invisible, while others of importants were nonexistent.
Redesign Singer.com into a source of knowledge in the world of sewing. Design holistically, improving the user's journey and relationship with the brand beyond just the machine.

Current site structure. Lot's of redundancies and missed opportunities to create a holistic experience.

Current site structure. Lot's of redundancies and missed opportunities to create a holistic experience.

The objective of the new site was to:
  • Be easy and simple to navigate for customers who are new to sewing and buying their first machine
  • Contain a roburt amount of content for customers who own a machine and are looking for projects and inspiration
  • Be inclusive to their more niche customers, such as cosplayers.




UI Design

Sketch, Principle for Mac, Illustrator, Photoshop.